Tuesday, December 15, 2015

PImped bikes and prams

I took some photos of the pimped bikes and prams made at Creative kids last week, in the William Morris Gallery.
 All in honour of the Bob and Roberta Smith exhibition, celebrating that 'Art is a human right."
They were given materials from paints, to foam, to glue, to ribbon, and they made art work to carry on their scooters, prams or bikes.
Boy did the act out their rights! They were all so individual. Very cool!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lets go fly a kite!

Here are a few piccies of the kites made at the last Kids Film lounge of 2015. For the screening of the classic Mary Poppins.
Thank you to everyone who came yesterday and to ll of you who have supported the Kids Film Lounge so far. You are much appreciated.
 Hope to see you next year in our  new venue.

Enjoy the photos!