Monday, December 22, 2014

Frozen sing- a-long at the Kids Film Lounge

Here are photos of the mics you made  and a fantabulous video of 'Let it go' sang with them.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pinocchio puppets at the Kids Film Lounge

Here are the adorable puppets made at last weeks Kids film lounge.
Those of you who have tickets for this Saturday's  Frozen sing-a-long! I will be seeing you soon.
Details here:
 We will be making our mics to sing to our hearts content!

Monday, November 3, 2014

The wind rises, airplanes made at The Kids film lounge

See what our aeronautical engineers of the future made at The Kids Film Lounge last saturday. Triplanes, biplanes, spitfires, wonky planes, flying planes and flights of fancy planes. Enjoy.